We had a quiet morning at home, trying out my new system of keeping M occupied by drawing in a series of boxes what the plan was for the morning. We had boxes for getting dressed, playing with his garage, and snack time, amongst other activities. I'm trying to get him to play independently for spells of time, as he always wants me as a playmate and I can't always give him one-to-one attention. It seemed to work, and M played on his own for a good 20 minutes.
At lunchtime, Granddad R came to visit, and then took M out to the local garden centre for lunch and to look at the Christmas displays. I got on with some clothes sorting whilst F had a nap.
My mum and nan popped round in the afternoon for a cuppa.
We all went to the local primary for a tour of the school by the headmaster (who was quite strict!), and then M went to pre-school until 2.45, while I took my nan to the next town so she could see where she would be attending her bereavement counselling in a couple of weeks. We had a good chat about her days as an evacuee in the war, and she got a bit emotional. I feel so sorry for her, alone now without my granddad.
My two boys and I had another quiet morning at home before pre-school at 11.45. We tried drawing out the morning's plan again and it's definitely working in giving M a structure for his time at home and preventing him from driving me mad by asking 'What next, Mummy?' The only thing is that he tries to rush through each activity so he can tick it off and get on to the next one!
M is still coughing lots and has a horrible runny nose. M was being picked up by his nan and granddad and having a sleepover that night, leaving me and F to go into my work for an informal team meeting. It was the first time I'd seen my colleagues since going on maternity leave. It felt strange to be back. F was admired by all the ladies, despite doing really stinky trumps all the time.
I had a clingy baby attached to me all morning, but managed to do a fair bit of online Christmas shopping and banking before we then had to go to the clinic for F's first set of vaccinations. It's horrible to hear him squeal when the needles went in but, after his ordeal in his first ten days when he had his lumbar puncture and all sorts of other poking and prodding, a couple of injections didn't upset me as much as they did with M.
We had a little walk around the village then came home ready for M to return from his nan and granddad's. M was on really good form this afternoon. The boys had a bath together this evening, although F did not enjoy it!
While M was at pre-school today I made a big dent in the Christmas wrapping up while watching Love Actually. Somewhat of a tradition with me!
In the late afternoon we went to experience The Magical Journey at the Belfry, Tamworth. M had a lovely time, and was thrilled to see Father Christmas.
I had my hair coloured in the morning and then at lunchtime, me and my two boys went round a friend's house for a pre-Christmas gathering with all the children. It was lovely to see everyone, albeit noisy!
We had a difficult night, with M complaining of an earache and getting up at 4.20am, while F is still continuing to feed two-three times a night. Having children is hard!
We didn't have a great morning, with M pushing our buttons and with us so short on sleep. But the afternoon improved with a walk down the lane to Costa and then to Mum's house for the afternoon.