Sunday, 26 October 2014

Birth story {Part Two}

 I had arrived at the hospital for a routine CTG, but due to high blood pressure and protein found in my urine, I was told I was being admitted overnight for monitoring.  A consultant then informed me that I would be induced that very evening . . .

I arrived in the Labour Suite in the early evening.  I must have looked stunned as the midwives waiting to greet me asked me why I looked so shocked.  We explained that I had only come to the hospital for a CTG and that I was only 37 weeks pregnant.
I was taken into a small but cosy room by a brisk but kind midwife called Jackie and waited for my mum to arrive to stay with me while G went home to collect my hospital bag.  I had a relaxing bath and tried to gather myself for imminent labour.  It felt very strange, knowing that my son was shortly to be born yet I was not feeling any signs of labour.
Jackie gave me a steroid injection in my thigh to ensure that the baby's lungs were mature enough, which was quite stingy.  Another midwife called Emma then arrived to administer the Prostin gel for my induction.  I have to say that this was one of the worst parts of the whole experience. It was so painful, and I'm not sure why.  I think they thought I was making a bit of a fuss, but I actually have quite a high pain threshold.  My first midwife, Jackie, then said goodbye as her shift was finishing, and left me with Emma.
Mum and I then read some magazines, chatted and, having obtained a TV, watched a bit of the X Factor.  G then came back and Mum left us to it, although she looked reluctant to leave!  As nothing was happening by about midnight, we decided that G should go back home and get some sleep in preparation for what was to come.  We said an emotional good night. 
At 1.15am I was given another, stronger dose of the Prostin gel, which was even more excruciating than the first.  It made me cry.  After that was done, I asked for something to help me sleep and took some Temezepam.  I wanted some energy for the labour ahead of me.  Emma said that she'd leave me to sleep and come back around 5am to check on me.  I think I fell asleep around 2am.

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